
Laura Colmenares Guerra is a Colombian artist based in Brussels. Her main work axes are installation, sculpture & digital narratives in the field of 3D (animation, Virtual Reality and ceramics 3D printing).
She has a transversal research-based practice. Her work explores the impairment between contemporary Western societies and the living ecosystems, the environment and the living beings. This questioning drives her to conceive settings that relate to the politics of landscape and the notions of territory. She explores the constructions of the concepts of nature, natural and language as a foundation medium for reality.
In the field of interactive installation, Laura employs technology to immerse viewers in an engaging and participatory experience. Through these pieces, viewers are encouraged to use their bodies to interact with the artwork, creating a deep and sensory understanding of the themes explored, such as breathing in "Lungs [the Breather]" or interacting with water taps in "Lagunas." Her choice of interactive devices is designed to foster a profound comprehension of our individual and societal responsibilities toward the environment.
In addition to her interactive installations, Laura's career includes a journey as a video performer, which began in the early Techno scene of Bogota and evolved into experimental live audiovisual performances alongside musicians on stage. In parallel, she creates standalone audiovisual pieces by collaborating with musicians, composers, and music labels.
Since 2018, Laura Colmenares Guerra has been dedicated to conceiving a body of work that addresses the geopolitical and neoliberal extractivist practices affecting the Amazon basin. Her work continues to serve as a critical and creative exploration of the pressing issues at the intersection of environment, society, and language.
Her work has been presented at The Festival Scopitone-Stereolux in Nantes (FR), The Centre Wallonie- Bruxelles (Paris, FR), The Alexander Kasser Theatre, Peak Performances (NJ, USA), at Kings Place (London, UK), The Glasgow school of arts (Glasgow, UK), the Museum of Contemporary Art of Montreal, Canada, during the International Biennale of New Media Art, at festival Elektra-Mutek, EM15 (Montreal, CA), at the Cube - Centre for Digital Creation (Paris, F), the International Computer Music Conference (Huddersfield, UK), iMal, Center for digital cultures and technology, Sint-Lukasgalerie and at the Museum of Bozar (Brussels, BE), in between others.
Laura is member of Saloon Network Brussels
- 20242024, Research Grant | Vlaamse Overheid
- 20232023, SELVA | Vlaams Audiovisueel Fonds (VAF)2023, Research Grant | SELVA | FWB | Arts Numériques
- 2021Production Grant | Rivers | Vlaamse Overheid
- 2020Production Grant | Rivers | FWB | Arts Numériques
- 2019Development Grant: Nations | Vlaamse Overheid
- 2018Conception Grant: Nations | FWB | Arts Numériques
- 2017Development Grant | Vlaamse OverheidDiffusion Grant | Lagunas | FWB | Arts Numériques
- 2016Promotion Grant | Lagunas | FWB | Arts NumériquesProduction Grant | Lagunas | FWB l Arts Numériques
- 2015Production Grant | Lagunas | Vlaamse Overheid
- 2014Conception Grant | Lagunas | FWB | Arts NumériquesDiffusion Grant | Lungs [the breather] | FWB
- 2013Production Grant | eVanescens Vlaamse OverheidPromotion Grant | eVanescens | FWB | Arts Numériques
- 2009Conception Grant | Unstable Territories | FWBPromotion Grant | Lungs [the breather] | FWB
- 2008Production Grant | Lungs [the breather] | Vlaamse Overheid
- 2014 - 20153D | VFX | CompositingCGItrainer Belgique | Jean Yves Arboit
- 2009 - 2010Interactive MediaAcademie Beeldende Kunsten Anderlecht | Brussels (Belgium)
- 2006 - 2008TRANSMEDIA | Postgraduate Program in Arts + Media + DesignHogeschool Sint-Lukas | Brussels (Belgium)
- 1997 - 2002Master en Arts | Electronic Media & Arts of TimeUniversidad de los Andes | Bogotá (Colombia)
- 2024Topography & Memory | Workshop | Stereolux | Nantes (Fance)The map is not the territory – Perspectives on the Amazon Basin | Luxembourg Centre for Contemporary and Digital History (C²DH) | LuxembourgThe map is not the territory – Perspectives on the Amazon Basin | FilmEU - Doctus/Media Arts Back & Forth | Lisboa (Portugal)Land/scape N.5 | land-art intervention | L’art dans la nature | Land’art dans la Forêt de Gesves (Belgium)
- 2023ECDYSIS | Elektra Gallery | Montreal (Canada)Ríos Trilogy | Capture #2 - Le Pavillon | Kikk Festival | Namur (Belgium)ECDYSIS | Fundación Gilberto Alzate Avendaño (Fuga) | Bogotá (Colombia)Nucleus |La Bianyal 2023 | Mas Sobeies (Spain)Nucleus | 4n20 | Kortrijk (Belgium)R€¥€R$€ | Echoes From the Future - Tina Sauerlaender | MacKenzie Art Gallery (Canada) | Online Digital ExhibitionRíos Trilogy | Solo Exhibition | KultXL | Brussels (Belgium)
- 2022Lagunas | Screening | IMT Gallery - Sluice Projects | London (UK)Lagunas - Screening | Festival Internacional de la Imagen | Bogotá (CO)Ríos (Caquetá) | Festival Internacional de la Imagen | Bogotá (Colombia)Festival Panoramic 2022 | Granollers + Barcelona (Spain)R€¥€R$€ | Residency | Fondation Martell | Residencies in digital creation | Cognac (France)Ríos Trilogy | Residency | LabVerde | Manaus, Amazon State of Brazil (Brazil)Land/scape N.4 & Land/scape N.5 | Nadine – N0dine | Brussels (Belgium)Ríos Chapter I | Online Application | Cinemateca de Bogotá / Datos y relatos | Bogotá (Colombia)Land/scape N.1 | F.A.S.T- OHME | ULB |Brussels (Belgium)
- 2021Ríos (Caquetá & Juruá) | Sculptures | CODE IS LAW - Centre Wallonie Bruxelles | Paris (France)Ríos (Caquetá & Juruá) | Sculptures | EXTRACTIONS - A two Dogs Company | Brussels (Belgium)Simposio | Diálogos: Experiencias Cinemáticas Contemporáneas | Festival Internacional de la Imágen | Edición en líneaRíos + Land/scape N.4| Sculptures | Studio Zink | Brussels (Belgium)Lagunas | Screening | El Parqueadero - Banco de la republica - Grey Cube Projects | Bogotá (Colombia)Ríos Trilogy| Residency| iMal | Brussels (Belgium)
- 2020Lagunas | Screening | FIFF | Namur (Belguim)The Other Side of the River | Screening | Sonic Bite / Cryptic | Vimeo (On-line)
- 2019Lagunas | Interactive installation | Festival Nova XX |Paris (France)eVanescens | Audiovisual concert | Ars Musica | Brussels (Belgium)Beyond the Divide | Screening – Flagey - Deweekvandeklank - Brussels (Belgium)Beyond the Divide | Screening | Sound Art Gallery | Moscow (Russia)Ríos Trilogy| Residency | iMal | Brussels (Belgium)
- 2018Variations of Disarray | Screening | Madatac | Media LAB Prado | Madrid (Spain)Landscape N.1 & Landscape N.2 | Installation/Sculpture | Ateliers Mommen | Brussels (Belgium)eVanescens | Audiovisual concert | Synthposium 5: Art + A/V Programme | Moscow (Russia)Residence | Cristina Iglesias | Fundación Botín | Santander (Spain)Variations of Disarray | Screening | Ateliers Mommen | Brussels (Belgium)Lagunas | Interactive installation | BAM Festival | Liege (Belgium)The Exquisite Corpse Video Project V.6 | Screening | (Initiative of Kika Nicolela) | Clinic - Tokio (JP)The Exquisite Corpse Video Project V.6 | Screening | (Initiative of Kika Nicolela) | Le GIV- Montreal (CA)The Exquisite Corpse Video Project V.5 | Screening | (Initiative of Kika Nicolela) | Digital Arts Festival | Singularity Now | Athens (GR)Landscape series | Residency | Fundacion Centro Botin | Santander (Spain)
- 2017Lagunas | Interactive installation | Festival Voltaje | Bogotá (Colombia)eVanescens | Audiovisual concert | The Baltic Sea Cultural Centre du Son | Gdańsk (Poland)Beyond the Divide | Screening | Sound-Image 2107 | Greenwich (UK)Lagunas | Interactive installation | iMal | Brussels (Belgium)The Exquisite Corpse Video Project | Screening | (Initiative of Kika Nicolela) | The Local | New York (USA)Variations of Disarray | Screening | Garages Numériques-02 – Brussels (Belgium)Beyond the Divide | Screening | Франкотека - ул. Николоямская | Moscow (Russia)The Exquisite Corpse Video Project | Screening | (Initiative of Kika Nicolela) | Blue Magpie Experimental Film Series (Taiwan)The Exquisite Corpse Video Project | Screening | (Initiative of Kika Nicolela) | Videoformes Festival | Clermont-Ferrand (France)
- 2016See You Later | Audiovisual concert | PEAK Performances | Alexander Kasser Theater | Montclair, New Jersey (USA)eVanescens | Audiovisual concert | Botanique | La Semaine du Son | Brussels (Belgium)The Exquisite Corpse Video Project | Screening | (Initiative of Kika Nicolela) | Top Schillerpalais | Berlin (Germany)See You Later | Residency | PEAK Performances | Alexander Kasser Theater | Montclair, New Jersey (USA)
- 2015Variations of Disarray | Monumental projection/Screening | CityLight | Transnumériques | Mons (Belgium)GIFT | Audiovisual concert l Chapelle de Boondael | Brussels (Belgium)eVanescens | Audiovisual concert | Musicacoustica | Beijing (China)eVanescens | Audiovisual concert | YU GONG YI SHAN | Beijing (China)Cryptic | Oliver Coates | Audiovisual concert | Kings Place | London (UK)Cryptic | Oliver Coates | Audiovisual concert | The Glasgow School of Arts | Glasgow (UK)
- 2014UNRAVEL | Screening | Festival Video Movimiento | Universidad Javeriana | Bogota (Colombia)Lungs [the breather] | Interactive installation | La Balsamine | Brussels (Belgium)Beyond the Divide | Audiovisual concert | World Music Days | Wroclaw (Poland)Beyond the Divide | Audiovisual concert | Audio Art Festival | Wroclaw (Poland)eVanescens | Audiovisual concert | Festival Elektra/Mutek | Montreal (Canada)Lungs [the breather] | Interactive Installation | International Digital Arts Biennial (BIAN) | Montreal (Canada)eVanescens | Audiovisual concert | NIME 2014 | London (England)Beyond the Divide/Oracular/Unravel | Screening | Deweekvandeklank | Brussels (Belgium)Beyond the Divide | Audiovisual concert | Flagey | Deweekvandeklank | Brussels (Belgium)
- 2013Lungs [the breather] | Interactive installation | BOZAR | Brussels (Belgium)eVanescens | Audio-visual concert | International Contemporary Music Festival ARS Musica 2013 | Brigittines | Brussels (Belgium)Persona | Theater | LaborGras | Berlin (Germany)
- 2012eVanescens | Audio-visual concert | LE CUBE | Centre for Digital Creation | Issy-les-Moulineaux (France)Oracular | Video | Gallery VanderA | Brussels (Belgium)Beyond the Divide | Audio-visual concert | Space Senghor | Brussels (Belgium)Vanescens | Audio-visual concert | Musiques Nouvelles | Mons (Belgium)
- 2011(IN)Pulses | Audio-visual concert | Gare Numérique de Jeumont | FranceBeyond the Divide | Audio-visual concert | ICMC, University of Huddersfield | UK
- 2010Beyond the Divide | Audio-visual installation | Vlaamse Scriptieprijs | Royal Academy of Science & Arts | Brussels (Belgium)Lungs [the breather] | Interactive installation | CitySonics | Mons (Belgium)De Vogel en het net | Audio-visual installation | Erasmus Museum | Brussels (Belgium)Lungs [the breather] | Interactive installation | Sint-Lukasgalerie | Brussels (Belgium)Unstable Territories | Interactive installation | iMal | Brussels (Belgium)
- 2009Lungs [the breather] | Interactive installation | Beirut (Lebanon)Percept | Performance | Centre des Arts Enghien-Les-Bains, Bains Numériques #4 | Enghien-Les-Bains (France)
- 2008Lungs [the breather] | Interactive installation | PING! Festival | Mallorca (Spain)Lungs [the breather] | Interactive installation | NADINE | Brussels (Belgium)
- 2007Golden Delicious | Video | Urban Trajectories | Brussels | Rotterdam | Mexico
- 2006BogotaLab | Video installation/performance | Plan06 | Köln (Germany)
- 2003Self-Portrait | Interactive installation | Contradance | Brussels (Belgium)
- 2002Ajna’s Journeys | Interactive Video Installation | Los Andes University | Bogotá (Colombia)Ajna’s Journeys | Interactive Video Installation | Alliance Français | Bogotá (Colombia)